Julian Cortary

CV Julian Cortary

Born in Guaminí, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Italian-Argentine citizen.

Visual artist and musician. Portrait artist and painter. He ventures into engraving, performance, video art, and audiovisual installation.

Works, makes individual painting exhibitions, participates in contemporary art exhibitions and live presentations with the Dial & los Aéreos project too, in the cities of Buenos Aires, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca, Madrid, Reus, Cambrils, London, Rome, Pietrasanta, Lecce and Florence among others.

Produces work and teaches workshops of drawing and painting.
He currently lives and works in Lecce, Italy.

Education and exhibitions:

2019 Interfaz de Inmersión. La Polveriera. Pietrasanta. Italy.
Respira el mar. L'Angolo del Duca Senigallia. Italy.

2018 Argumentos Constructivos, GRAPA. Usina del Arte. Ayacucho.
Pinturas. Imágenes Encontradas. Centro de Arte RadioCity-Roxy-Melany. Mar del Plata.
Mudar la Piel, GRAPA 2017. Villa Victoria. Mar del Plata.
Expo-gallery Miramart. Fundación Torres Agüero Rozanès / Galería Zona Urbana / Asociación Española. Miramar. Argentina.
Training in the GRAPA art clinic with Josefina Fossatti y Claudio Róveda. Galería Ariel Echegoyen. Mar del Plata.

2017 Parafernalia, GRAPA 2016. Villa Victoria. Mar del Plata.
Interfaz. Muestras Experimentales. GRAPA 2017. Villa Victoria. Mar del Plata.
Training in the GRAPA art clinic with Josefina Fossatti y Claudio Róveda.Villa Victoria. Mar del Plata.

2016 Vuelo. Una Forma de Onda. Muestras Experimentales. GRAPA 2016. El Querido. Mar del Plata.
Training in the GRAPA art clinic with Josefina Fossatti y Claudio Róveda. El Querido. Mar del Plata.
In the same year, he published his new album: Dial & los Aéreos, Ahora.

2015 Participates in the IV Bienal del Fin del Mundo, with the audiovisual installation “Oleaje Cósmico” that combines works of its multidisciplinary production (Music, video, engraving and painting). Solo room. Catalog of artists of the fourth edition of the biennial.. Villa Victoria. Mar del Plata.
He studied Licenciatura en Artes Visuales en la Universidad Nacional de Arte, UNA. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Drawing with Raúl Ponce, engraving with Horacio Beccaría, painting with Héctor Destéfaniz, visual language with Hernán Bermúdez, among others.

2014 Engraving workshop at the Martín A. Malharro school with Ricardo Cardillo and Gustavo Christiansen.
And in Dársena he attends to the “Estampa Japonesa” (Ukiyo-E) seminar with Alejandra Dorsch. Mar del Plata.

2013 He makes individual painting exhibitions in England and Spain, with works from the “Respira el Mar” (Breathe the Sea) series and musical performances with his Juliandial project (Dial & los Aéreos). Among others: 13 The Gallery on the “First Thursdays” circuit of Whitechapel Gallery. London.
Publish Dial & Los Aéreos album: Es.
He studied Licenciatura en Artes Visuales at the Universidad Nacional de Arte, UNA. Buenos Aires. Argentina.

2012 Respira el Mar. Solo paintings exhibition. Hilet. Mar del Plata.
Memoria, Identidad, Compromiso. Colective show and cathalogue. Instituto Saturnino Unzué. Mar del Plata.
Encuentro de Artistas Solitarios. La Cuadrada. Mar del Plata.
Plataforma 12, Banco de Artistas. Piso 12 Edificio Banco Provincia, Mar del Plata.
Feria Victoria. Villa Victoria. Mar del Plata.
Turista. Salón del Mar, Torreón del Monje. Mar del Plata.
Il Pescatore. Espacio de Arte Melany, Radio-City y Roxy. Mar del Plata.

2011 He creates the series “Respira el Mar” with which he makes various solo painting exhibitions in the city of Mar del Plata. For example: Hall del Palacio Municipal y Centro Cultural Osvaldo Soriano.

2010 Makes his first individual painting exhibition: “Mar del Plata- Puerto de Luz”. Declared of cultural interest by the Municipalidad de General Pueyrredón. That same year he began working as a portrait artist. Mar del Plata, Argentina.
He studied Licenciatura en Artes Visuales en la Universidad Nacional de Arte, UNA. Buenos Aires. Argentina.

2009 Fo.Ba. In graphic design, at Hilet, Mar del Plata.

2008 Participates with the work “Ojo de Pez” in the 1er Salón de Arte Joven Casa de Madera, Mar del Plata.

2007 Begins to produce pictorial work.

Julian Cortary

Julian Cortary | © 2024 | Email: info@juliancortary.com